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Venda Mais Interviews

Ebook published May 2016

A great opportunity to find out about Key Account Management. Adriano Amui was one of Raul Candeloro's guests in his program "Venda Mais Interviews". You can check out Key Account Management chat with Adriano in the first chapter of this newly released ebook that includes 8 of Raul's interviews.

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Change of Classroom

Published in Veja São Paulo Magazine, April 2016

The research conducted by INVENT in 2013 reveals how much it costs to raise a child until the age of 23 and was highlighted in the cover story of Veja São Paulo magazine about the student's avoidance of private schools due to the financial crisis that the country is experiencing.

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Study Plan for Distributors

Graduated in Business Administration Adriano Amui is a restless and curious entrepreneur who has made him interested in numerous subjects and seek specializations in several areas such as Business Management, Marketing, Corporate Governance, Entrepreneurship and Family Business Management, Strategic Planning and Change Management .

Published on Rede AgroServices website, January 2016

Price of peeled and sliced fruit on the tray may be worth it

Published in Folha de São Paulo Newspaper, July 2015

Adriano Amui is one of the interviewees in this issue which aims to find out if paying more for already peeled fruits is advantageous for the consumer.

Interview on the book "Trade Marketing - Expanded Viewpoints and Leadership"

Published in Venda Mais Magazine, February 2013

Interview conducted by Raul Candelouro for VendaMais Magazine which addresses questions about the new book of Adriano Amui and also his vision of leadership.

The Privileged View

Published in Giro News Magazine, May 2012

CEO of INVENT and Esfera Gestão as well as professor at ESPM and author of the two books, Adriano Amui granted an interview to Giro News magazine about issues concerning the trade marketing area; from the strategic function to the details of operations in Brazilian companies.

Committed Distributor reduce Retail Out-of-Stock

Published in DEC News, January 2011

Read Adriano Amui's interview with DEC News which discusses the importance of distributor's commitment to retail.

Cash Flow Balance

Published in OTO Magazine | Syngenta, May 2012

Read the Adriano Amui's interview on Balance in Cash Flow focused on Agribusiness published in OTO Magazine.

The importance of providing services and advantages for the customer

Published in Ponto da Beleza Magazine, October 2010

Adriano Amui's Interview discussing the importance and value proposition in offering differentials for the customer.

Category Management in Retail

Published in Guia da Farmácia magazine, August 2010

Interview given to the Guide to Pharmacy exposes the peculiarities of this channel.

Trends 2010

Published in Venda Mais Magazine, March 2010

Create communication focused on a new type of consumer. A very different consumer who is far from the passivity of previous decades. More: the consumer who crosses references and looks for other people who share the same views.

The Practice of Trade Marketing in Brasil

Published on NewTrade Website, March 2010

The term Trade Marketing has gained ground within the companies that make up the supply chain. But are we putting it into practice in the right way?

It is the duty of parents to teach their children to save

Published in Diário do Nordeste, April 2009

Research on the price of maintaining an heir. Financial and family planning. This is the advice of Adriano Maluf Amui to those who wish to have children.

Parents spend up around R$ 1,6 million raising children

Published by Agência Estado, April 2008

No one doubts that raising a child is expensive, but who take a guess of what is the total amount?

The True Role of Trade Marketing 

Published in Distribuição Magazine, March 2008

Past experiences should be used by companies as a foundation for a future based on reinvention. 'Companies that do not take on the responsibilities of trade marketing will not be competitive. They will have more difficulty in dealing with intermediary channels and less efficiency in their actions'.

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